Source code for spinnman.processes.write_memory_process

# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import functools
from typing import BinaryIO, Callable
import numpy
from numpy import uint8, uint32
from spinn_utilities.typing.coords import XYP
from spinnman.messages.scp.abstract_messages import AbstractSCPRequest
from spinnman.messages.scp.impl import WriteLink, WriteMemory
from spinnman.messages.scp.impl import CheckOKResponse
from spinnman.constants import UDP_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE
from .abstract_multi_connection_process import AbstractMultiConnectionProcess


class WriteMemoryProcess(AbstractMultiConnectionProcess[CheckOKResponse]):
    A process for writing memory on a SpiNNaker chip.
    __slots__ = ()
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

[docs] def write_memory_from_bytearray( self, coordinates: XYP, base_address: int, data: bytes, offset: int, n_bytes: int, get_sum: bool = False) -> int: """ Writes memory onto a SpiNNaker chip from a bytearray. :param tuple(int,int,int) coordinates: The X,Y,P coordinates of the core that will write to memory. :param int base_address: the address in SDRAM to start writing :param data: the data to write :type data: bytearray or bytes :param int offset: where in the data to start writing from :param int n_bytes: how much data to write :param bool get_sum: whether to return a checksum or 0 :return: the data checksum or 0 if get_sum is False :rtype: int """ return self._write_memory_from_bytearray( base_address, data, offset, n_bytes, functools.partial(WriteMemory, coordinates), get_sum)
[docs] def write_memory_from_reader( self, coordinates: XYP, base_address: int, reader: BinaryIO, n_bytes: int, get_sum: bool = False) -> int: """ Writes memory onto a SpiNNaker chip from a reader. :param tuple(int,int,int) coordinates: The X,Y,P coordinates of the core that will write to memory. :param int base_address: the address in SDRAM to start writing :param reader: the readable object containing the data to write :type reader: ~io.RawIOBase or ~io.BufferedIOBase :param int n_bytes: how much data to write :param bool get_sum: whether to return a checksum or 0 :return: the data checksum or 0 if get_sum is False :rtype: int """ return self._write_memory_from_reader( base_address, reader, n_bytes, functools.partial(WriteMemory, coordinates), get_sum)
def _write_memory_from_bytearray( self, base_address: int, data: bytes, data_offset: int, n_bytes: int, packet_class: Callable[ [int, bytes], AbstractSCPRequest[CheckOKResponse]], get_sum: bool) -> int: offset = 0 n_bytes_to_write = int(n_bytes) with self._collect_responses(): while n_bytes_to_write > 0: bytes_to_send = min(n_bytes_to_write, UDP_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE) data_array = data[data_offset:data_offset + bytes_to_send] self._send_request( packet_class(base_address + offset, data_array)) n_bytes_to_write -= bytes_to_send offset += bytes_to_send data_offset += bytes_to_send if not get_sum: return 0 np_data = numpy.array(data, dtype=uint8) np_sum = int(numpy.sum(np_data.view(uint32), dtype=uint32)) return np_sum & _UNSIGNED_WORD def _write_memory_from_reader( self, base_address: int, reader: BinaryIO, n_bytes: int, packet_class: Callable[ [int, bytes], AbstractSCPRequest[CheckOKResponse]], with_sum: bool) -> int: offset = 0 n_bytes_to_write = int(n_bytes) chksum = 0 with self._collect_responses(): while n_bytes_to_write > 0: data_array = min(n_bytes_to_write, UDP_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE)) bytes_to_send = len(data_array) self._send_request(packet_class( base_address + offset, data_array)) n_bytes_to_write -= bytes_to_send offset += bytes_to_send if with_sum: np_data = numpy.frombuffer(data_array, dtype=uint8) np_sum = int(numpy.sum(np_data.view(uint32))) chksum = (chksum + np_sum) & _UNSIGNED_WORD return chksum