Source code for spinn_utilities.abstract_base

# Trimmed down version of

# If using #@add_metaclass require from six import add_metaclass

def abstractmethod(funcobj):
    """ A decorator indicating abstract methods.

        Requires that the metaclass is AbstractBase or derived from it.  A\
        class that has a metaclass derived from AbstractBase cannot be\
        instantiated unless all of its abstract methods are overridden.\
        The abstract methods can be called using any of the normal\
        'super' call mechanisms.


            class C:

                def my_abstract_method(self, ...):
    funcobj.__isabstractmethod__ = True
    return funcobj

class abstractproperty(property):
    """ A decorator indicating abstract properties.

        Requires that the metaclass is AbstractBase or derived from it.  A\
        class that has a metaclass derived from AbstractBase cannot be\
        instantiated unless all of its abstract properties are overridden.\
        The abstract properties can be called using any of the normal\
        'super' call mechanisms.


            class C:

                def my_abstract_property(self):

        This defines a read-only property; you can also define a read-write\
        abstract property using the 'long' form of property declaration:

            class C:
                def getx(self): ...
                def setx(self, value): ...
                x = abstractproperty(getx, setx)
    __isabstractmethod__ = True

class AbstractBase(type):
    """ Metaclass for defining Abstract Base Classes (AbstractBases).

        Use this metaclass to create an AbstractBase.\
        An AbstractBase can be subclassed directly,\
        and then acts as a mix-in class.

        This is a trimmed down version of ABC.\
        Unlike ABC you can not register unrelated concrete classes.

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace):
        abs_cls = super(AbstractBase, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace)

        abstracts = set(name for name, value in namespace.items() if
                        getattr(value, "__isabstractmethod__", False))
        for base in bases:
            for name in getattr(base, "__abstractmethods__", set()):
                value = getattr(abs_cls, name, None)
                if getattr(value, "__isabstractmethod__", False):
        abs_cls.__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(abstracts)
        return abs_cls