Source code for spinnman.connections.connection_listener

import logging
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConnectionListener(Thread): """ Listens to a connection and calls callbacks with new messages when \ they arrive """ def __init__(self, connection, n_processes=4): """ :param connection: An AbstractListenable connection to listen to :param n_processes: The number of threads to use when calling\ callbacks """ Thread.__init__( self, name="Connection listener for connection {}".format(connection)) self._connection = connection self._get_message_call = connection.get_receive_method() self._callback_pool = ThreadPool(processes=n_processes) self._done = False self._callbacks = set() self.setDaemon(True) def _run_step(self): if self._connection.is_ready_to_receive(timeout=1): message = self._get_message_call() for callback in self._callbacks: self._callback_pool.apply_async(callback, [message])
[docs] def run(self): while not self._done: try: self._run_step() except: if not self._done: logger.warn("problem when dispatching message", exc_info=True) self._callback_pool.close() self._callback_pool.join()
[docs] def add_callback(self, callback): """ Add a callback to be called when a message is received :param callback: A callable which takes a single parameter, which is\ the message received """ self._callbacks.add(callback)
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the listener. Note that this does not close the provider\ of the messages; this instead marks the listener as closed. The\ listener will not truly stop until the get message call returns. """ self._done = True self.join()