Source code for spinnman.messages.scp.impl.router_alloc

from spinnman.messages.scp import SCPRequestHeader
from spinnman.messages.scp.abstract_messages \
    import AbstractSCPRequest, AbstractSCPResponse
from spinnman.messages.scp.enums \
    import AllocFree, SCPCommand, SCPResult
from spinnman.messages.sdp import SDPFlag, SDPHeader
from spinnman.exceptions import SpinnmanUnexpectedResponseCodeException

import struct

[docs]class RouterAlloc(AbstractSCPRequest): """ An SCP Request to allocate space for routing entries """ def __init__(self, x, y, app_id, n_entries): """ :param x: The x-coordinate of the chip to allocate on, between 0 and\ 255 :type x: int :param y: The y-coordinate of the chip to allocate on, between 0 and\ 255 :type y: int :param app_id: The id of the application, between 0 and 255 :type app_id: int :param n_entries: The number of entries to allocate :type n_entries: int """ super(RouterAlloc, self).__init__( SDPHeader( flags=SDPFlag.REPLY_EXPECTED, destination_port=0, destination_cpu=0, destination_chip_x=x, destination_chip_y=y), SCPRequestHeader(command=SCPCommand.CMD_ALLOC), argument_1=( (app_id << 8) | AllocFree.ALLOC_ROUTING.value), # @UndefinedVariable argument_2=n_entries)
[docs] def get_scp_response(self): return _SCPRouterAllocResponse()
class _SCPRouterAllocResponse(AbstractSCPResponse): """ An SCP response to a request to allocate router entries """ def __init__(self): """ """ super(_SCPRouterAllocResponse, self).__init__() self._base_address = None def read_data_bytestring(self, data, offset): """ See\ :py:meth:`spinnman.messages.scp.abstract_scp_response.AbstractSCPResponse.read_data_bytestring` """ result = self.scp_response_header.result if result != SCPResult.RC_OK: raise SpinnmanUnexpectedResponseCodeException( "Router Allocation", "CMD_ALLOC", self._base_address = struct.unpack_from("<I", data, offset)[0] @property def base_address(self): """ The base address allocated, or 0 if none :rtype: int """ return self._base_address