Source code for spinnman.messages.scp.impl.write_fpga_register


# spinnman imports
import struct

from spinnman.messages.scp.abstract_messages import BMPRequest
from spinnman.messages.scp import SCPRequestHeader
from spinnman.messages.scp.enums import SCPCommand
from .check_ok_response import CheckOKResponse

[docs]class WriteFPGARegister(BMPRequest): """ A request for writing data to a FPGA register """ def __init__(self, fpga_num, addr, value, board): """ Write the value of an FPGA (SPI) register. See the SpI/O project's spinnaker_fpga design's `README`_ for a listing of FPGA registers. The SpI/O project can be found on GitHub at: .. _README:\ blob/master/designs/spinnaker_fpgas/ :param fpga_num: FPGA number (0, 1 or 2) to communicate with. :type fpga_num: int :param addr: Register address to read or write to (will be rounded down to the nearest 32-bit word boundary). :type addr: int :param value: A 32-bit int value to write to the register :type value: int """ BMPRequest.__init__( self, board, SCPRequestHeader(command=SCPCommand.CMD_LINK_WRITE), argument_1=addr & (~0x3), argument_2=4, argument_3=fpga_num, data=struct.pack("<I", value))
[docs] def get_scp_response(self): """ :rtype: spinnman.messages.scp.impl.CheckOKResponse """ return CheckOKResponse("Send FPGA register write", "CMD_LINK_WRITE")