Source code for spinnman.utilities.appid_tracker

_MIN_APP_ID = 17
_MAX_APP_ID = 254

[docs]class AppIdTracker(object): """ A tracker of AppId to make it easier to allocate new ids """ # Keep a class-global reference to the free id range, so ids are # allocated globally def __init__( self, app_ids_in_use=None, min_app_id=_MIN_APP_ID, max_app_id=_MAX_APP_ID): """ :param app_ids_in_use: The ids that are already in use :type app_ids_in_use: list of int or None :param min_app_id: The smallest app id to use :type min_app_id: int :param max_app_id: The largest app id to use :type max_app_id: int """ self._free_ids = set(range(min_app_id, max_app_id)) if app_ids_in_use is not None: self._free_ids.difference_update(app_ids_in_use) self._min_app_id = min_app_id self._max_app_id = max_app_id
[docs] def get_new_id(self): """ Get a new unallocated id :rtype: int """ return self._free_ids.pop()
[docs] def allocate_id(self, allocated_id): """ Allocate a given id - raises KeyError if the id is not present :param allocated_id: The id to allocate """ self._free_ids.remove(allocated_id)
[docs] def free_id(self, id_to_free): """ Free a given id - raises KeyError if the id is out of range :param id_to_free: The id to free """ if id_to_free < self._min_app_id or id_to_free > self._max_app_id: raise KeyError("ID {} out of allowed range of {} to {}".format( id_to_free, self._min_app_id, self._max_app_id)) self._free_ids.add(id_to_free)