spinnman package



spinnman.constants module

class spinnman.constants.EIEIO_COMMAND_IDS

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

class spinnman.constants.IPTAG_TIME_OUT_WAIT_TIMES

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

TIMEOUT_10_ms = 1
TIMEOUT_1280_ms = 8
TIMEOUT_160_ms = 5
TIMEOUT_20_ms = 2
TIMEOUT_2560_ms = 9
TIMEOUT_320_ms = 6
TIMEOUT_40_ms = 3
TIMEOUT_640_ms = 7
TIMEOUT_80_ms = 4

alias of spinnman.constants.Read_types


alias of spinnman.constants.Registers

spinnman.exceptions module

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpiNNManCoresNotInStateException(timeout, expected_states, failed_core_states)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanTimeoutException

Cores failed to reach a given state within a timeout

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanEIEIOPacketParsingException(parsing_format, packet)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException

Unable to complete the parsing of the EIEIO packet received. The routine used is invalid or the content of the packet is invalid

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException[source]

Bases: Exception

Superclass of exceptions that occur when dealing with communication with SpiNNaker

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanGenericProcessException(exception, tb, x, y, p, tb2=None)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException

Encapsulates exceptions from processes which communicate with some core/chip

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanGroupedProcessException(error_requests, exceptions, tracebacks)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException

Encapsulates exceptions from processes which communicate with a collection of cores/chips

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanIOException(problem)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException

An exception that something went wrong with the underlying IO

Parameters:problem (str) – The problem with the IO

The problem with IO

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanInvalidPacketException(packet_type, problem)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException

An exception that indicates that a packet was not in the expected format

  • packet_type (str) – The type of packet expected
  • problem (str) – The problem with the packet

The packet type


The problem with the packet

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanInvalidParameterException(parameter, value, problem)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException

An exception that indicates that the value of one of the parameters passed was invalid

  • parameter (str) – The name of the parameter that is invalid
  • value (str) – The value of the parameter that is invalid
  • problem (str) – The problem with the parameter

The parameter with an invalid value


The problem with the parameter value


The value that is invalid

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanInvalidParameterTypeException(parameter, param_type, problem)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException

An exception that indicates that the type of one of the parameters passed was invalid

  • parameter (str) – The name of the parameter that is invalid
  • param_type (str) – The type of the parameter that is invalid
  • problem (str) – The problem with the parameter

The parameter with an invalid value


The problem with the parameter value


The value that is invalid

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanTimeoutException(operation, timeout)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException

An exception that indicates that a timeout occurred before an operation could finish

  • operation (str) – The operation being performed
  • timeout (int) – The timeout value in seconds

The operation that was performed


The timeout value in seconds

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanUnexpectedResponseCodeException(operation, command, response)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException

Indicate that a response code returned from the board was unexpected for the current operation

  • operation (str) – The operation being performed
  • command (str) – The command being executed
  • response (str) – The response received in error

The command being executed


The operation being performed


The unexpected response

exception spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanUnsupportedOperationException(operation)[source]

Bases: spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanException

An exception that indicates that the given operation is not supported

Parameters:operation (str) – The operation being requested

The unsupported operation requested

spinnman.get_cores_in_run_state module

spinnman.transceiver module

class spinnman.transceiver.Transceiver(version, connections=None, ignore_chips=None, ignore_cores=None, ignore_links=None, max_core_id=None, scamp_connections=None, max_sdram_size=None, repair_machine=False, ignore_bad_ethernets=True)[source]

Bases: object

An encapsulation of various communications with the SpiNNaker board.

The methods of this class are designed to be thread-safe; thus you can make multiple calls to the same (or different) methods from multiple threads and expect each call to work as if it had been called sequentially, although the order of returns is not guaranteed. Note also that with multiple connections to the board, using multiple threads in this way may result in an increase in the overall speed of operation, since the multiple calls may be made separately over the set of given connections.

  • version (int) – The version of the board being connected to
  • connections (iterable of spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.Connection) – An iterable of connections to the board. If not specified, no communication will be possible until connections are found.
  • ignore_chips (set of (int, int)) – An optional set of chips to ignore in the machine. Requests for a “machine” will have these chips excluded, as if they never existed. The processor_ids of the specified chips are ignored.
  • ignore_cores (set of (int, int, int)) – An optional set of cores to ignore in the machine. Requests for a “machine” will have these cores excluded, as if they never existed.
  • ignore_links (set of (int, int, int)) – An optional set of links to ignore in the machine. Requests for a “machine” will have these links excluded, as if they never existed.
  • max_core_id (int) – The maximum core ID in any discovered machine. Requests for a “machine” will only have core IDs up to and including this value.
  • max_sdram_size (int or None) – the max size each chip can say it has for SDRAM (mainly used in debugging purposes)
  • scamp_connections (list of spinnman.connections.SocketAddress_With_Chip or None) – a list of SCAMP connection data or None
  • repair_machine (bool) – Flag to set the behaviour if a repairable error is found on the machine. If true will create a machine without the problamatic bits. (See machine_factory.machine_repair) If False get machine will raise an Exception if a problamatic machine is discovered.
  • ignore_bad_ethernets (bool) – Flag to say that ip_address information on none ethernet chips should be ignored. None_ethernet chips are defined here as ones that do not report themselves their nearest ethernet. The bad ipaddress is always logged If True the ipaddress is ignored If False the chip with the bad ipaddress is removed.

Get the app ID tracker for this transceiver

Return type:spinnman.utilities.appid_tracker.AppIdTracker
boot_board(number_of_boards=None, width=None, height=None, extra_boot_values=None)[source]

Attempt to boot the board. No check is performed to see if the board is already booted.

  • number_of_boards (int) – this parameter is deprecated
  • width (int or None) – this parameter is deprecated
  • height (int or None) – this parameter is deprecated
  • extra_boot_values (dict of SystemVariableDefinition to value) – extra values to set during boot
clear_ip_tag(tag, board_address=None)[source]

Clear the setting of an IP tag

  • tag (int) – The tag ID
  • board_address – Board address where the tag should be cleared. If not specified, all SCPSender connections will send the message to clear the tag

Nothing is returned

Return type:


clear_multicast_routes(x, y)[source]

Remove all the multicast routes on a chip

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip on which to clear the routes
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip on which to clear the routes

Nothing is returned

Return type:


clear_router_diagnostic_counters(x, y, enable=True, counter_ids=None)[source]

Clear router diagnostic information on a chip

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip
  • enable (bool) – True (default) if the counters should be enabled
  • counter_ids (array-like of int) – The IDs of the counters to reset (all by default) and enable if enable is True; each must be between 0 and 15
Return type:


close(close_original_connections=True, power_off_machine=False)[source]

Close the transceiver and any threads that are running

  • close_original_connections – If True, the original connections passed to the transceiver in the constructor are also closed. If False, only newly discovered connections are closed.
  • power_off_machine (bool) – if true, the machine is sent a power down command via its BMP (if it has one)

Nothing is returned

Return type:



None – No known exceptions are raised


Find connections to the board and store these for future use. Note that connections can be empty, in which case another local discovery mechanism will be used. Note that an exception will be thrown if no initial connections can be found to the board.


An iterable of discovered connections, not including the initially given connections in the constructor

Return type:

iterable of spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.Connection

ensure_board_is_ready(number_of_boards=None, width=None, height=None, n_retries=5, extra_boot_values=None)[source]

Ensure that the board is ready to interact with this version of the transceiver. Boots the board if not already booted and verifies that the version of SCAMP running is compatible with this transceiver.

  • number_of_boards (int) – this parameter is deprecated and will be ignored
  • width (int or None) – this parameter is deprecated and will be ignored
  • height (int or None) – this parameter is deprecated and will be ignored
  • n_retries (int) – The number of times to retry booting
  • extra_boot_values (dict of SystemVariableDefinition to value) – Any additional values to set during boot

The version identifier

Return type:



spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanIOException: * If there is a problem booting the board * If the version of software on the board is not compatible with this transceiver

execute(x, y, processors, executable, app_id, n_bytes=None, wait=False, is_filename=False)[source]

Start an executable running on a single chip

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip on which to run the executable
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip on which to run the executable
  • processors (iterable of int) – The cores on the chip on which to run the application
  • executable (spinn_storage_handlers.abstract_classes.AbstractDataReader or bytearray or str) – The data that is to be executed. Should be one of the following: * An instance of AbstractDataReader * A bytearray * A filename of a file containing the executable (in which case is_filename must be set to True)
  • app_id (int) – The ID of the application with which to associate the executable
  • n_bytes (int) – The size of the executable data in bytes. If not specified: * If executable is an AbstractDataReader, an error is raised * If executable is a bytearray, the length of the bytearray will be used * If executable is an int, 4 will be used * If executable is a str, the length of the file will be used
  • wait (bool) – True if the binary should enter a “wait” state on loading
  • is_filename (bool) – True if executable is a filename

Nothing is returned

Return type:


execute_application(executable_targets, app_id)[source]

Execute a set of binaries that make up a complete application on specified cores, wait for them to be ready and then start all of the binaries. Note this will get the binaries into c_main but will not signal the barrier.

execute_flood(core_subsets, executable, app_id, n_bytes=None, wait=False, is_filename=False)[source]

Start an executable running on multiple places on the board. This will be optimised based on the selected cores, but it may still require a number of communications with the board to execute.

  • core_subsets (spinn_machine.CoreSubsets) – Which cores on which chips to start the executable
  • executable (spinn_storage_handlers.abstract_classes.AbstractDataReader or bytearray or str) – The data that is to be executed. Should be one of the following: * An instance of AbstractDataReader * A bytearray * A filename of an executable (in which case is_filename must be set to True)
  • app_id (int) – The ID of the application with which to associate the executable
  • n_bytes (int) – The size of the executable data in bytes. If not specified: * If executable is an AbstractDataReader, an error is raised * If executable is a bytearray, the length of the bytearray will be used * If executable is an int, 4 will be used * If executable is a str, the length of the file will be used
  • wait (bool) – True if the processors should enter a “wait” state on loading
  • is_filename (bool) – True if the data is a filename

Nothing is returned

Return type:


fill_memory(x, y, base_address, repeat_value, bytes_to_fill, data_type=<FillDataType.WORD: 4>)[source]

Fill some memory with repeated data

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip
  • base_address (int) – The address at which to start the fill
  • repeat_value (int) – The data to repeat
  • bytes_to_fill (int) – The number of bytes to fill. Must be compatible with the data type i.e. if the data type is WORD, the number of bytes must be divisible by 4
  • data_type (spinnman.processes.fill_process.FillDataType) –
free_sdram(x, y, base_address, app_id)[source]

Free allocated SDRAM

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip onto which to ask for memory
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip onto which to ask for memory
  • base_address (int) – The base address of the allocated memory
  • app_id (int) – The app ID of the allocated memory
free_sdram_by_app_id(x, y, app_id)[source]

Free all SDRAM allocated to a given app ID

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip onto which to ask for memory
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip onto which to ask for memory
  • app_id (int) – The app ID of the allocated memory

The number of blocks freed

Return type:



Get the currently known connections to the board, made up of those passed in to the transceiver and those that are discovered during calls to discover_connections. No further discovery is done here.

Returns:An iterable of connections known to the transceiver
Return type:iterable of spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.Connection
Raises:None – No known exceptions are raised
get_core_state_count(app_id, state)[source]

Get a count of the number of cores which have a given state

  • app_id (int) – The ID of the application from which to get the count.
  • state (spinnman.model.CPUState) – The state count to get

A count of the cores with the given status

Return type:



Get a string indicating the status of the given cores

Parameters:cpu_infos (spinnman.model.cpu_infos.CPUInfos) – A CPUInfos objects
get_cores_in_state(all_core_subsets, states)[source]

Get all cores that are in a given state or set of states


Core subsets object containing cores in the given state(s)

get_cores_not_in_state(all_core_subsets, states)[source]

Get all cores that are not in a given state or set of states


Core subsets object containing cores not in the given state(s)


Get information about the processors on the board


core_subsets (spinn_machine.CoreSubsets) – A set of chips and cores from which to get the information. If not specified, the information from all of the cores on all of the chips on the board are obtained.


An iterable of the CPU information for the selected cores, or all cores if core_subsets is not specified

Return type:

iterable of spinnman.model.CPUInfo

get_cpu_information_from_core(x, y, p)[source]

Get information about a specific processor on the board

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip containing the processor
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip containing the processor
  • p (int) – The ID of the processor to get the information about

The CPU information for the selected core

Return type:


get_heap(x, y, heap=<SystemVariableDefinition.sdram_heap_address: _Definition(offset=76, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The base address of the user SDRAM heap')>)[source]

Get the contents of the given heap on a given chip


Get the contents of the IOBUF buffer for a number of processors


core_subsets (spinn_machine.CoreSubsets) – A set of chips and cores from which to get the buffers. If not specified, the buffers from all of the cores on all of the chips on the board are obtained.


An iterable of the buffers, which may not be in the order of core_subsets

Return type:

iterable of spinnman.model.IOBuffer

get_iobuf_from_core(x, y, p)[source]

Get the contents of IOBUF for a given core

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip containing the processor
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip containing the processor
  • p (int) – The ID of the processor to get the IOBUF for

An IOBUF buffer

Return type:



Get the details of the machine made up of chips on a board and how they are connected to each other.


A machine description

Return type:



Get the maximum chip x-coordinate and maximum chip y-coordinate of the chips in the machine


The dimensions of the machine

Return type:


get_multicast_routes(x, y, app_id=None)[source]

Get the current multicast routes set up on a chip

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip from which to get the routes
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip from which to get the routes
  • app_id (int) – The ID of the application to filter the routes for. If not specified, will return all routes

An iterable of multicast routes

Return type:

iterable of spinnman.model.multicast_routing_entry.MulticastRoute

get_router_diagnostic_filter(x, y, position)[source]

Gets a router diagnostic filter from a router

  • x (int) – the X address of the router from which this filter is being retrieved
  • y (int) – the Y address of the router from which this filter is being retrieved
  • position (int) – the position in the list of filters where this filter is to be added

The diagnostic filter read

Return type:


get_router_diagnostics(x, y)[source]

Get router diagnostic information from a chip

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip from which to get the information
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip from which to get the information

The router diagnostic information

Return type:


get_scamp_version(chip_x=255, chip_y=255, connection_selector=None, n_retries=10)[source]

Get the version of SCAMP which is running on the board.

  • connection_selector (AbstractMultiConnectionProcessConnectionSelector) – the connection to send the SCAMP version or none (if none then a random SCAMP connection is used).
  • chip_x (int) – the chip’s x coordinate to query for SCAMP version
  • chip_y (int) – the chip’s y coordinate to query for SCAMP version

The version identifier

Return type:



Get the current set of tags that have been set on the board


connection (spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.SCPSender) – Connection from which the tags should be received. If not specified, all SCPSender connections will be queried and the response will be combined.


An iterable of tags

Return type:

iterable of spinn_machine.tags.AbstractTag

static get_user_0_register_address_from_core(p)[source]

Get the address of user 0 for a given processor on the board

Parameters:p (int) – The ID of the processor to get the user 0 address from
Returns:The address for user 0 register for this processor
Return type:int
static get_user_1_register_address_from_core(p)[source]

Get the address of user 1 for a given processor on the board

Parameters:p (int) – The ID of the processor to get the user 1 address from
Returns:The address for user 1 register for this processor
Return type:int
static get_user_2_register_address_from_core(p)[source]

Get the address of user 2 for a given processor on the board

Parameters:p (int) – The ID of the processor to get the user 2 address from
Returns:The address for user 2 register for this processor
Return type:int
static get_user_3_register_address_from_core(p)[source]

Get the address of user 3 for a given processor on the board

Parameters:p (int) – The ID of the processor to get the user 3 address from
Returns:The address for user 3 register for this processor
Return type:int

Determines if the board can be contacted

Parameters:connection (spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.Connection) – The connection which is to be tested. If None, all connections will be tested, and the board will be considered to be connected if any one connection works.
Returns:True if the board can be contacted, False otherwise
Return type:bool
Raises:None – No known exceptions are raised
static is_scamp_version_compabible(version)[source]

Determine if the version of SCAMP is compatible with this transceiver

Parameters:version ((int, int, int)) – The version to test
load_fixed_route(x, y, fixed_route, app_id)[source]

Loads a fixed route routing table entry onto a chip’s router.

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip onto which to load the routes
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip onto which to load the routes
  • fixed_route (spinn_machine.fixed_route_routing_entry) – the route for the fixed route entry on this chip
  • app_id (int) – The ID of the application with which to associate the routes. If not specified, defaults to 0.

Nothing is returned

Return type:


load_multicast_routes(x, y, routes, app_id)[source]

Load a set of multicast routes on to a chip

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip onto which to load the routes
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip onto which to load the routes
  • routes (iterable of spinn_machine.MulticastRoutingEntry) – An iterable of multicast routes to load
  • app_id (int) – The ID of the application with which to associate the routes. If not specified, defaults to 0.

Nothing is returned

Return type:



Find a connection that matches the given board IP address

Parameters:board_address (str) – The IP address of the Ethernet connection on the board
Returns:A connection for the given IP address, or None if no such connection exists
Return type:spinnman.connections.udp_packet_connections.SCAMPConnection
malloc_sdram(x, y, size, app_id, tag=None)[source]

Allocates a chunk of SDRAM on a chip on the machine

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip onto which to ask for memory
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip onto which to ask for memory
  • size (int) – the amount of memory to allocate in bytes
  • app_id (int) – The ID of the application with which to associate the routes. If not specified, defaults to 0.
  • tag (int) – the tag for the SDRAM, a 8-bit (chip-wide) tag that can be looked up by a SpiNNaker application to discover the address of the allocated block. If 0 then no tag is applied.

the base address of the allocated memory

Return type:



Get the number of boards currently configured

power_off(boards=0, cabinet=0, frame=0)[source]

Power off a set of boards in the machine

  • boards – The board or boards to power off
  • cabinet – the ID of the cabinet containing the frame, or 0 if the frame is not in a cabinet
  • frame – the ID of the frame in the cabinet containing the board(s), or 0 if the board is not in a frame

Power off the whole machine

power_on(boards=0, cabinet=0, frame=0)[source]

Power on a set of boards in the machine

  • boards – The board or boards to power on
  • cabinet – the ID of the cabinet containing the frame, or 0 if the frame is not in a cabinet
  • frame – the ID of the frame in the cabinet containing the board(s), or 0 if the board is not in a frame

Power on the whole machine

read_adc_data(board, cabinet, frame)[source]

Read the BMP ADC data

  • cabinet (int) – cabinet: the cabinet this is targeting
  • frame (int) – the frame this is targeting
  • board – which board to request the ADC data from

the FPGA’s ADC data object

read_bmp_version(board, cabinet, frame)[source]

Read the BMP version

  • cabinet (int) – cabinet: the cabinet this is targeting
  • frame (int) – the frame this is targeting
  • board – which board to request the data from

the sver from the BMP

read_fixed_route(x, y, app_id)[source]

Reads a fixed route routing table entry from a chip’s router.

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip onto which to load the routes
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip onto which to load the routes
  • app_id (int) – The ID of the application with which to associate the routes. If not specified, defaults to 0.

the route as a fixed route entry

read_fpga_register(fpga_num, register, cabinet, frame, board)[source]

Read a register on a FPGA of a board. The meaning of the register’s contents will depend on the FPGA’s configuration.

  • fpga_num (int) – FPGA number (0, 1 or 2) to communicate with.
  • register (int) – Register address to read to (will be rounded down to the nearest 32-bit word boundary).
  • cabinet (int) – cabinet: the cabinet this is targeting
  • frame (int) – the frame this is targeting
  • board – which board to request the FPGA register from

the register data

read_memory(x, y, base_address, length, cpu=0)[source]

Read some areas of SDRAM from the board

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip where the memory is to be read from
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip where the memory is to be read from
  • base_address (int) – The address in SDRAM where the region of memory to be read starts
  • length (int) – The length of the data to be read in bytes
  • cpu (int) – the core ID used to read the memory of

A bytearray of data read

Return type:


read_neighbour_memory(x, y, link, base_address, length, cpu=0)[source]
Read some areas of memory on a neighbouring chip using a LINK_READ
SCP command. If sent to a BMP, this command can be used to communicate with the FPGAs’ debug registers.
  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip whose neighbour is to be read from
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip whose neighbour is to be read from
  • cpu (int) – The CPU to use, typically 0 (or if a BMP, the slot number)
  • link (int) – The link index to send the request to (or if BMP, the FPGA number)
  • base_address (int) – The address in SDRAM where the region of memory to be read starts
  • length (int) – The length of the data to be read in bytes

An iterable of chunks of data read in order

Return type:

iterable of bytearray

read_user_0(x, y, p)[source]
register_udp_listener(callback, connection_class, local_port=None, local_host=None)[source]
Register a callback for a certain type of traffic to be received via UDP. Note that the connection class must extend spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.Listenable
to avoid clashing with the SCAMP and BMP functionality
  • callback (function(packet)) – Function to be called when a packet is received
  • connection_class (subclass of spinnman.connections.abstract_classes.Listenable) – The class of connection to receive using
  • local_port (int) – The optional port number to listen on; if not specified, an existing connection will be used if possible, otherwise a random free port number will be used
  • local_host (str) – The optional hostname or IP address to listen on; if not specified, all interfaces will be used for listening

The connection to be used

Return type:


send_multicast_message(x, y, multicast_message, connection=None)[source]

Sends a multicast message to the board (currently unsupported)


Nothing is returned

Return type:


send_scp_message(message, connection=None)[source]

Sends an SCP message, without expecting a response


The received response, or the callback if get_callback is True

Return type:


send_sdp_message(message, connection=None)[source]

Sends an SDP message using one of the connections.

Return type:


send_signal(app_id, signal)[source]

Send a signal to an application

  • app_id (int) – The ID of the application to send to
  • signal (spinnman.messages.scp.Signal) – The signal to send

Nothing is returned

Return type:


set_ip_tag(ip_tag, use_sender=False)[source]

Set up an IP tag

  • ip_tag (spinn_machine.tags.IPTag) – The tag to set up; note board_address can be None, in which case, the tag will be assigned to all boards
  • use_sender – Optionally use the sender host and port instead of the given host and port in the tag
  • use_sender – bool

Nothing is returned

Return type:


set_led(led, action, board, cabinet, frame)[source]

Set the LED state of a board in the machine

  • led (int or iterable of int) – Number of the LED or an iterable of LEDs to set the state of (0-7)
  • action (spinnman.messages.scp.scp_led_action.SCPLEDAction) – State to set the LED to, either on, off or toggle
  • board (int or iterable) – Specifies the board to control the LEDs of. This may also be an iterable of multiple boards (in the same frame). The command will actually be sent to the first board in the iterable.
  • cabinet (int) – the cabinet this is targeting
  • frame (int) – the frame this is targeting
Return type:


set_leds(x, y, cpu, led_states)[source]

Set SetLED states.

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip on which to set the LEDs
  • y (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip on which to set the LEDs
  • cpu (int) – The CPU of the chip on which to set the LEDs
  • led_states (dict) – A dictionary mapping SetLED index to state with 0 being off, 1 on and 2 inverted.

Nothing is returned

Return type:



Set up a reverse IP tag


reverse_ip_tag (spinn_machine.tags.ReverseIPTag) – The reverse tag to set up; note board_address can be None, in which case, the tag will be assigned to all boards


Nothing is returned

Return type:


set_router_diagnostic_filter(x, y, position, diagnostic_filter)[source]

Sets a router diagnostic filter in a router

  • x (int) – the X address of the router in which this filter is being set
  • y (int) – the Y address of the router in which this filter is being set
  • position (int) – the position in the list of filters where this filter is to be added
  • diagnostic_filter (spinnman.model.diagnostic_filter.DiagnosticFilter) – the diagnostic filter being set in the placed, between 0 and 15 (note that positions 0 to 11 are used by the default filters, and setting these positions will result in a warning).
Return type:



Enable, disable or set the value of the watch dog timer

Parameters:watch_dog (bool or int) – Either a boolean indicating whether to enable (True) or disable (False) the watch dog timer, or an int value to set the timer count to.
Return type:None
set_watch_dog_on_chip(x, y, watch_dog)[source]

Enable, disable or set the value of the watch dog timer on a specific chip

  • x (int) – chip x coord to write new watchdog param to
  • y (int) – chip y coord to write new watchdog param to
  • watch_dog (bool or int) – Either a boolean indicating whether to enable (True) or disable (False) the watchdog timer, or an int value to set the timer count to
Return type:



Sends a stop request for an app_id


app_id (int) – The ID of the application to send to

wait_for_cores_to_be_in_state(all_core_subsets, app_id, cpu_states, timeout=None, time_between_polls=0.1, error_states=frozenset({<CPUState.RUN_TIME_EXCEPTION: 2>, <CPUState.WATCHDOG: 3>}), counts_between_full_check=100)[source]

Waits for the specified cores running the given application to be in some target state or states. Handles failures.

  • all_core_subsets – the cores to check are in a given sync state
  • app_id – the application ID that being used by the simulation
  • cpu_states – The expected states once the applications are ready; success is when each application is in one of these states
  • timeout – The amount of time to wait in seconds for the cores to reach one of the states
  • time_between_polls – Time between checking the state
  • error_states – Set of states that the application can be in that indicate an error, and so should raise an exception
  • counts_between_full_check – The number of times to use the count signal before instead using the full CPU state check

spinnman.exceptions.SpinnmanTimeoutException – If a timeout is specified and exceeded.

write_fpga_register(fpga_num, register, value, cabinet, frame, board)[source]

Write a register on a FPGA of a board. The meaning of setting the register’s contents will depend on the FPGA’s configuration.

  • fpga_num (int) – FPGA number (0, 1 or 2) to communicate with.
  • register (int) – Register address to read to (will be rounded down to the nearest 32-bit word boundary).
  • value (int) – the value to write into the FPGA register
  • cabinet (int) – cabinet: the cabinet this is targeting
  • frame (int) – the frame this is targeting
  • board – which board to write the FPGA register to
Return type:


write_memory(x, y, base_address, data, n_bytes=None, offset=0, cpu=0, is_filename=False)[source]

Write to the SDRAM on the board

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip where the memory is to be written to
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip where the memory is to be written to
  • base_address (int) – The address in SDRAM where the region of memory is to be written
  • data (spinn_storage_handlers.abstract_classes.AbstractDataReader or bytearray or int or str) – The data to write. Should be one of the following: * An instance of AbstractDataReader * A bytearray * A single integer - will be written in little-endian byte order * A filename of a data file (in which case is_filename must be set to True)
  • n_bytes (int) – The amount of data to be written in bytes. If not specified: * If data is an AbstractDataReader, an error is raised * If data is a bytearray, the length of the bytearray will be used * If data is an int, 4 will be used * If data is a str, the length of the file will be used
  • offset (int) – The offset from which the valid data begins
  • cpu (int) – The optional CPU to write to
  • is_filename (bool) – True if the data is a filename

Nothing is returned

Return type:


write_memory_flood(base_address, data, n_bytes=None, offset=0, is_filename=False)[source]

Write to the SDRAM of all chips.

  • base_address (int) – The address in SDRAM where the region of memory is to be written
  • data (spinn_storage_handlers.abstract_classes.AbstractDataReader or bytearray or int or str) – The data that is to be written. Should be one of the following: * An instance of AbstractDataReader * A bytearray or bytestring * A single integer * A file name of a file to read (in which case is_filename should be set to True)
  • n_bytes (int) – The amount of data to be written in bytes. If not specified: * If data is an AbstractDataReader, an error is raised * If data is a bytearray, the length of the bytearray will be used * If data is an int, 4 will be used * If data is a str, the size of the file will be used
  • offset (int) – The offset where the valid data starts, if the data is a int, then the offset will be ignored and 0 is used.
  • is_filename (bool) – True if the data should be interpreted as a file name

Nothing is returned

Return type:


write_neighbour_memory(x, y, link, base_address, data, n_bytes=None, offset=0, cpu=0)[source]

Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_READ SCP command. If sent to a BMP, this command can be used to communicate with the FPGAs’ debug registers.

  • x (int) – The x-coordinate of the chip whose neighbour is to be written to
  • y (int) – The y-coordinate of the chip whose neighbour is to be written to
  • link (int) – The link index to send the request to (or if BMP, the FPGA number)
  • base_address (int) – The address in SDRAM where the region of memory is to be written
  • data (spinn_storage_handlers.abstract_classes.AbstractDataReader or bytearray or int) – The data to write. Should be one of the following: * An instance of AbstractDataReader * A bytearray * A single integer; will be written in little-endian byte order
  • n_bytes (int) – The amount of data to be written in bytes. If not specified: * If data is an AbstractDataReader, an error is raised * If data is a bytearray, the length of the bytearray will be used * If data is an int, 4 will be used
  • offset (int) – The offset where the valid data starts (if the data is an int then offset will be ignored and used 0
  • cpu (int) – The CPU to use, typically 0 (or if a BMP, the slot number)

Nothing is returned

Return type:


spinnman.transceiver.create_transceiver_from_hostname(hostname, version, bmp_connection_data=None, number_of_boards=None, ignore_chips=None, ignore_cores=None, ignored_links=None, max_core_id=None, auto_detect_bmp=False, scamp_connections=None, boot_port_no=None, max_sdram_size=None, repair_machine=False, ignore_bad_ethernets=True)[source]

Create a Transceiver by creating a UDPConnection to the given hostname on port 17893 (the default SCAMP port), and a BootConnection on port 54321 (the default boot port), optionally discovering any additional links using the UDPConnection, and then returning the transceiver created with the conjunction of the created UDPConnection and the discovered connections.

  • hostname (str) – The hostname or IP address of the board
  • number_of_boards (int or None) – a number of boards expected to be supported, or None, which defaults to a single board
  • ignore_chips (set of (int, int)) – An optional set of chips to ignore in the machine. Requests for a “machine” will have these chips excluded, as if they never existed. The processor_ids of the specified chips are ignored.
  • ignore_cores (set of (int, int, int)) – An optional set of cores to ignore in the machine. Requests for a “machine” will have these cores excluded, as if they never existed.
  • ignored_links (set of (int, int, int)) – An optional set of links to ignore in the machine. Requests for a “machine” will have these links excluded, as if they never existed.
  • max_core_id (int) – The maximum core ID in any discovered machine. Requests for a “machine” will only have core IDs up to this value.
  • version – the type of SpiNNaker board used within the SpiNNaker machine being used. If a spinn-5 board, then the version will be 5, spinn-3 would equal 3 and so on.
  • bmp_connection_data (iterable of spinnman.model.bmp_connection_data.BMPConnectionData) – the details of the BMP connections used to boot multi-board systems
  • auto_detect_bmp (bool) – True if the BMP of version 4 or 5 boards should be automatically determined from the board IP address
  • boot_port_no (int) – the port number used to boot the machine
  • scamp_connections (iterable of UDPScampConnections) – the list of connections used for SCAMP communications
  • max_sdram_size (int or None) – the max size each chip can say it has for SDRAM (mainly used in debugging purposes)
  • repair_machine (bool) – Flag to set the behaviour if a repairable error is found on the machine. If true will create a machine without the problamatic bits. (See machine_factory.machine_repair) If False get machine will raise an Exception if a problamatic machine is discovered.
  • ignore_bad_ethernets (bool) – Flag to say that ip_address information on none ethernet chips should be ignored. None_ethernet chips are defined here as ones that do not report themselves their nearest ethernet. The bad ipaddress is always logged If True the ipaddress is ignored If False the chip with the bad ipaddress is removed.

The created transceiver

Return type:



Module contents

Used to communicate with a SpiNNaker Board. The main part of this package is the spinnman.transceiver.Transceiver class. This can be used to send and receive packets in various SpiNNaker formats, depending on what connections are available.

Functional Requirements

  • Connect to and communicate with a machine using a number of different connections.

  • Boot a machine with the expected version of the software.

    • If the machine is already booted but the version is not the version expected, an exception will be thrown.
  • Check the version of the software which the machine is booted with.

  • Query the state of the machine to determine:

    • What the current state of the machine is in terms of the chips and cores available, the SDRAM available on the chips and the which links are available between which chips.
    • What external links to the host exist (and separately add the discovered links to the set of links used to communicate with the machine).
    • What is running on the machine and where, and what the current status of those processes are.
    • How many cores are in a given state.
    • What is in the IOBUF buffers.
    • What the current routing entries for a given router are.
    • What the routing status counter values are.
  • Load application binaries on to the machine, either to individual cores or via a “flood-fill” mechanism to multiple cores simultaneously (which may be a subset of the cores on a subset of the chips).

  • Write data to SDRAM, either on an individual chip, or via a “flood-fill” mechanism to multiple chips simultaneously.

  • Send a signal to an application.

  • Read data from SDRAM on an individual chip.

  • Send and receive SpiNNaker packets where the connections allow this.

    • If no connection supports this packet type, an exception is thrown.
    • The user should be able to select which connection is used. Selection of a connection which does not support the traffic type will also result in an exception.
  • Send and receive SCP and SDP packets where the connections allow this.

    • If no connection supports the packet type, an exception is thrown.
    • The user should be able to select which connection is used. Selection of a connection which does not support the traffic type will also result in an exception.
  • It should be possible to call any of the functions simultaneously, including the same function more than once.

    • Where possible, multiple connections should be used to overlap calls.
    • The functions should not return until they have confirmed that any messages sent have been received, and any responses have been received.
    • Functions should not respond with the result of a different function.
    • Functions can further sub-divide the call into a number of separate calls that can be divided across the available connections, so long as the other requirements are met.
  • More than one machine can be connected to the same host.

    • Once the subset of connections has been worked out for each machine, the operation of these machines should be independent.

Use Cases

  • boot_board() and get_scamp_version() are used to ensure that the board is booted correctly before starting a simulation.
  • get_machine_details() is used to get a representation of the current state of the machine, which is used to decide where executables are to be run on the board for a particular simulation, where any external peripherals are connected, and how messages between the executables and/or the external peripherals are to be routed
  • write_memory() and execute() are used to write parameters and execute executables on the board
  • send_signal() is used to send a signal which starts, stops or pauses a simulation.
  • get_core_status_count() is used to determine if a simulation is complete or has gone into an error state.
  • get_iobuf(), get_cpu_information() and get_router_diagnostics() are used to diagnose a problem with a simulation
  • read_memory() is used to read some statistics recorded in SDRAM after a simulation