Source code for spinnman.transceiver.mockable_transceiver

# Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

from typing import (
    BinaryIO, Collection, Dict, FrozenSet, Iterable,
    List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union)
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar
from spinn_utilities.typing.coords import XY
from spinn_machine import (
    CoreSubsets, Machine, MulticastRoutingEntry, RoutingEntry)
from spinn_machine.tags import AbstractTag, IPTag, ReverseIPTag
from import SpiNNManDataView
from spinnman.connections.abstract_classes import Connection
from spinnman.connections.udp_packet_connections import BMPConnection
from spinnman.connections.udp_packet_connections import (
    SCAMPConnection, SDPConnection)
from spinnman.processes import ConnectionSelector, FixedConnectionSelector
from spinnman.messages.scp.enums import Signal
from spinnman.messages.sdp import SDPMessage
from spinnman.model import (
    CPUInfos, DiagnosticFilter, IOBuffer, RouterDiagnostics,
from spinnman.model.enums import CPUState, UserRegister
from spinnman.transceiver.transceiver import Transceiver
from spinnman.transceiver.extendable_transceiver import ExtendableTransceiver
from spinnman.processes import MostDirectConnectionSelector

class MockableTransceiver(ExtendableTransceiver):
    A based for Mock Transceivers
    __slots__ = ["written_memory"]

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.written_memory: List[
            Tuple[int, int, int, Union[BinaryIO, bytes, int, str],
                  Optional[int], int, int]] = []

[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.send_sdp_message) def send_sdp_message(self, message: SDPMessage, connection: Optional[SDPConnection] = None): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.discover_scamp_connections) def discover_scamp_connections(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.add_scamp_connections) def add_scamp_connections(self, connections: Dict[XY, str]): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_machine_details) def get_machine_details(self) -> Machine: return SpiNNManDataView.get_machine()
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_connections) def get_connections(self) -> Set[Connection]: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_cpu_infos) def get_cpu_infos( self, core_subsets: Optional[CoreSubsets] = None, states: Union[CPUState, Iterable[CPUState], None] = None, include: bool = True) -> CPUInfos: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_clock_drift) def get_clock_drift(self, x: int, y: int) -> float: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.read_user) def read_user(self, x: int, y: int, p: int, user: UserRegister): raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.add_cpu_information_from_core) def add_cpu_information_from_core( self, cpu_infos: CPUInfos, x: int, y: int, p: int, states: Iterable[CPUState]): raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_region_base_address) def get_region_base_address(self, x: int, y: int, p: int): raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_iobuf) def get_iobuf(self, core_subsets: Optional[CoreSubsets] = None ) -> Iterable[IOBuffer]: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_core_state_count) def get_core_state_count( self, app_id: int, state: CPUState, xys: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]] = None) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.execute_flood) def execute_flood( self, core_subsets: CoreSubsets, executable: Union[BinaryIO, bytes, str], app_id: int, *, n_bytes: Optional[int] = None, wait: bool = False): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.read_fpga_register) def read_fpga_register( self, fpga_num: int, register: int, board: int = 0) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.write_fpga_register) def write_fpga_register( self, fpga_num: int, register: int, value: int, board: int = 0): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.read_bmp_version) def read_bmp_version(self, board: int) -> VersionInfo: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.write_memory) def write_memory( self, x: int, y: int, base_address: int, data: Union[BinaryIO, bytes, int, str], *, n_bytes: Optional[int] = None, offset: int = 0, cpu: int = 0, get_sum: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, int]: print("Doing write to", x, y) self.written_memory.append( (x, y, base_address, data, n_bytes, offset, cpu)) # Hope the return is never used as it will be wrong return (-1, -1)
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.write_user) def write_user( self, x: int, y: int, p: int, user: UserRegister, value: int): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.read_memory) def read_memory( self, x: int, y: int, base_address: int, length: int, cpu: int = 0) -> bytearray: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.read_word) def read_word( self, x: int, y: int, base_address: int, cpu: int = 0) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.stop_application) def stop_application(self, app_id: int): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.wait_for_cores_to_be_in_state) def wait_for_cores_to_be_in_state( self, all_core_subsets: CoreSubsets, app_id: int, cpu_states: Union[CPUState, Iterable[CPUState]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, time_between_polls: float = 0.1, error_states: FrozenSet[CPUState] = frozenset(( CPUState.RUN_TIME_EXCEPTION, CPUState.WATCHDOG)), counts_between_full_check: int = 100, progress_bar: Optional[ProgressBar] = None): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.send_signal) def send_signal(self, app_id: int, signal: Signal): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.set_ip_tag) def set_ip_tag(self, ip_tag: IPTag, use_sender: bool = False): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.set_reverse_ip_tag) def set_reverse_ip_tag(self, reverse_ip_tag: ReverseIPTag): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.clear_ip_tag) def clear_ip_tag(self, tag: int, board_address: Optional[str] = None): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_tags) def get_tags(self, connection: Optional[SCAMPConnection] = None ) -> Iterable[AbstractTag]: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.malloc_sdram) def malloc_sdram( self, x: int, y: int, size: int, app_id: int, tag: int = 0) -> int: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.load_multicast_routes) def load_multicast_routes( self, x: int, y: int, routes: Collection[MulticastRoutingEntry], app_id: int): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.load_fixed_route) def load_fixed_route( self, x: int, y: int, fixed_route: RoutingEntry, app_id: int): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.read_fixed_route) def read_fixed_route(self, x: int, y: int, app_id: int) -> RoutingEntry: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_multicast_routes) def get_multicast_routes( self, x: int, y: int, app_id: Optional[int] = None) -> List[MulticastRoutingEntry]: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.clear_multicast_routes) def clear_multicast_routes(self, x: int, y: int): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_router_diagnostics) def get_router_diagnostics(self, x: int, y: int) -> RouterDiagnostics: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.get_scamp_connection_selector) def get_scamp_connection_selector(self) -> MostDirectConnectionSelector: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.set_router_diagnostic_filter) def set_router_diagnostic_filter( self, x: int, y: int, position: int, diagnostic_filter: DiagnosticFilter): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.clear_router_diagnostic_counters) def clear_router_diagnostic_counters(self, x: int, y: int): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.close) def close(self) -> None: pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.control_sync) def control_sync(self, do_sync: bool): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.update_provenance_and_exit) def update_provenance_and_exit(self, x: int, y: int, p: int): pass
[docs] @overrides(Transceiver.send_chip_update_provenance_and_exit) def send_chip_update_provenance_and_exit(self, x: int, y: int, p: int): pass
@property @overrides(ExtendableTransceiver.bmp_selector) def bmp_selector(self) -> Optional[FixedConnectionSelector[BMPConnection]]: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked") @property @overrides(ExtendableTransceiver.scamp_connection_selector) def scamp_connection_selector(self) -> ConnectionSelector: raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be mocked")